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SAHARA Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP


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Applicable crops : Groundnut, Paddy, Potato, Grape, Mango, Chilli, Tea, Apple, Maize
Chemical composition : Carbendazim 12% + Mancozeb 63% WP
Dosage : Groundnut (Leaf spot): 200 gm/acre;Paddy (Blast): 300 gm/acre;

Potato (Early & late blight): 700 gm/acre; Tea (Blister blight, Grey blight, Red rust, Die-back, black rot): 500 gm/acre; Grape (Downy mildew, Powdery mildew, Anthracnose): 1.5 gm/liter; Mango (Powdery mildew, Anthracnose): 1.5 gm/liter; Chilli (Leaf spot, Fruit rot, Powdery): 300 gm/acre; Maize (Downy mildew, Leaf blight): 400 gm/acre; Apple (Fruit scab, Powdery mildew); Groundnut seed treatment (Tikka, Root rot): 2.5 gm/kg seeds.
Method of application :
Foliar spray , Seed treatment
Spectrum :
Chili: Fruit rot, Leaf spot, Powdery mildew; Grape: Anthracnose, Downy mildew, Powdery mildew; Groundnut: Blast, Collar rot, Dry rot, Leaf spot, Root rot, Tikka leaf Spot; Mango: Anthracnose, Powdery mildew; Paddy: Blast; Potato:Black scurf, Early blight, Late blight; Tea:Black rot, Blister blight, Dieback, Grey blight, Red rust
Compatibility :
Compatible with most chemicals
Duration of effect :
7 days
Frequency of application :
Depends on pest incidence or severity of disease.
Extra description :
Useful in controlling most leaf diseases
Special Remark :
The information provided here is for reference only. Always refer to the product labels and accompanying leaflets for complete product details and directions for use.

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